HurricaneHerman, Herman & Katz has created this Homeowner and Business Checklist to assist you in your preparation for hurricane season.

❏ Obtain a certified copy of your insurance policy and declaration page.

❏ Contact your insurer and make a claim on your policy.

❏ Video/photograph all of the damage sustained (date stamped if possible).

❏ Save and maintain copies of all receipts, checks, estimates and invoices of all pre and post-disaster expenses, purchases, rentals, leases, etc. which support a claim for property or business loss.

❏ Mitigate your damages by making temporary precautionary repairs to your damaged premises (after photographs and/or video have been taken).

❏ Mitigate your damages by taking the necessary steps to get your business up and running.

❏ Maintain a copy of the latest appraisal of your premises, equipment and business personal property.

❏ Discuss your loss of income with your accountant and formulate a process for calculating the losses.

❏ Obtain a licensed contractor’s estimates for damage to premises and timeline for repair (if there are structural problems, retain an engineer to diagnose the extent and cause of the damage).

❏ Obtain estimates for damage to premises, business personal property, equipment, machinery, etc.

❏ Prepare and inventory list of all premises, business personal property, equipment, machinery, etc.

❏ Prepare a map of the damaged premises that includes the location of the business personal property, equipment, machinery, etc.

❏ Gather five years of tax returns.

❏ Diary and confirm conversations that you have with insurance claims representatives, adjusters, experts, etc. by letter and/or email.

❏ Obtain a current financial statement and balance sheet.

❏ Document business income losses.

❏ Prepare the appropriate “Proof of Loss” pursuant to the terms of the policy.

❏ Consider hiring professionals to assist you in the preparation and submission of your claim(s).

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